Origo Dashboard Connector
The Pensions Dashboards Programme has given clear timescales for pension providers and administrators to connect to the pensions dashboard. This is a complex task, which is why we've created Origo Dashboard Connector, a comprehensive, cost-effective way for providers and administrators to connect to the pensions dashboard.
A key component of connecting to the pensions dashboard is data matching. This is where Origo Dashboard Connector (ODC) Matching Toolkit comes in. Our Matching Toolkit is designed for pension providers to take away the burden of undergoing data matching during the already resource-intensive process of connecting to the pensions dashboards. Click here for more information.
If you want take the concern out of connecting to the pensions dashboards, our expert team are ready to discuss your requirements and answer any questions to ensure that you're connected securely, and on time. Simply fill out the short form below and we'll be in touch to set up a quick call.
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How the service works